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Τρίτη, 23 Μάρτιος 2010 15:29


B R E A K    T H E    S I E G E


Athens, February 2010

In August 2008, 44 people originating from 13 countries, all members of the International Initiative “Free Gaza Movement” sailing with two Greek fishing boats, had managed to break the seaside siege of Gaza for the first time after 41 years. They have demonstrated to the whole world that simple people, armed with nothing but their will, their belief of the rightness of their goal, their persistence, their plans and tactics, can win over injustice.

Since then, there have been four additional missions of the Free Gaza Movement vessels which managed to break the seaside siege of Gaza with success. Although this had created a temporary feeling of optimism, the situation in Gaza as far as humanitarian issues are concerned, has not been at the least improved. On the contrary, the Israeli military attack in December 2008/January 2009 has caused death and destruction in such a scale that it can be considered as an act of Genocide.

The actions of the Free Gaza Movement, do not concern only Gaza, and cannot be limited to this long-devastated Strip of Land.  Following the construction of the Wall of Shame by the Israelis and the ongoing violent attacks of the Israeli Army in the West Bank, the Siege is cast over all of Palestine, in a way that breaking the Siege of the Gaza Strip via the sea, will constitute the first free opening of Palestine to the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, the International Community as well as the regime of Egypt, demonstrates lack of political will to ensure the fundamental rights and basic needs of the people of Palestine. They remain passive observers of the ongoing crime that is taking place in the Gaza Strip, being hypocritical accomplices manipulated by the US-Israeli coalition.

Thus, once again, we have decided a new attempt to try to express our solidarity to the people of PALESTINE. We have formed the initiative “A Ship to Gaza” for the co- organisation and support of a new, upgraded international mission with the close cooperation and coordination of the Free Gaza Movement. At the end of April of 2010, this mission with vessels and passengers from many countries will sail once again towards the Gaza Strip, transporting this time –mainly- materials needed for the re-construction of infrastructures of vital importance.

The goal of the Greek part of the mission is to participate with at least one ship suitable for the transportation of people and materials. In order to obtain this ship a fundraising campaign has been initiated and is ongoing. The ship will be owned by an economic legal entity. A collective ownership type will be formed with many small shares of the ship that can be bought by individuals in solidarity with the mission, according their economic ability.

This ship will not remain the property of the above entity, but it will be transferred and delivered to the Palestinian people upon the completion of the project, with commonly acceptable legal procedures. Our aim is for it to serve the first needs of a permanent marine route for the communication of Palestine, from the Gaza Strip to the outside world.

With the strong belief that this effort is of extreme humanitarian and solidarity value, it is needed to be actively supported by the Greek people and the community of Palestinians that reside in Greece we are addressing you asking for your help to our initiative in any way that is available to your means and abilities.

We demand

The lifting of the land, air and sea siege of Gaza by Israel and the free navigation in the Mediterranean Sea.
The dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
The end of Israeli occupation of Palestine.

We support

The right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupying Israeli forces until the achievement of their national independence.
The right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.

We are against

Any form of foreign military intervention and occupation in any region of the World

We are faithful

To the long standing and strong Greek-Palestinian fraternity

We are determined

To sail again to Gaza, carrying with us the Message of Friendship and Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Περισσότερα άρθρα στην ίδια κατηγορία: « About us PRESS RELEASE:"Coalition to Break the Blockade on Gaza Announced" »